Friday, January 29, 2010


Yesterday, I took Ella & Avery to one of their new favorite places. The Gymnastics center in Moreno Valley. You pay $4.00 for each child (no charge for mommy), and for an hour you have free time on all of the equipment. Ella and Avery both love to swing on the bars and rings, jump on the trampolines, and go down the slides. Ella braved the tall balance beam, and she made it all the way across without any help from mommy! She was so proud of herself (and I was too)! Little Miss Avery loved going on the swings. She always wants to go higher, and has a hard time getting off so that the other kids can have a turn! It was such a fun morning that we might start going once a week!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! i want this info. what a great INEXPENSIVE and fun way to spend an hour especially on a rainy day. Riley LOVES trampolines, so this would be her heaven. i'll be calling soon to ask where it is!
